1. Do not spam or advertise unless it is allowed in the place you are posting in. Advertise in your sigs instead. If you are an active member who posts a lot (and not spams a lot), people should see it. Going off-topic is spam in its own way, so don't do that either.
2. No double posting/triple posting etc. It's okay if it's a mistake., but If I know It's intentional, It will be punished.
3. No bumping. This may change if the forum gets active enough, but until then, just please browse the list.
4. No insulting race or religion. Those I see doing this get instantly punished. The punishment depends on the degree of insult.
5. No adult content pics or insulting images. A picture of a TV character getting hung is fine. A racially insulting image is not.
6. Anything questionable for a message board is bad. If you have questions, feel free to PM me. I'm not just here to make everything, you know!
7. No flaming/trolling. Don't argue with members, as it is both spam and bad
behavior. A little competition is fine, but don't go cursing each other out. Also, try to be nice to new members rather than making them feel stupid and unwelcome. Now if someone keeps breaking the rules after repeatedly being directed to the rules, let me deal with them. I can handle the rule breakers on my own. Reporting members to me via PM is fine, actually encouraged.
8. Please do not swear. I know this may seem like an outrage, but I do not accept it. It will be punished instantly of you do do it.
9. Do not argue with the Adminastrators or Moderators. I have placed them there purposely, and they know what they are talking about.
10. No pictures in the Chatbox except from the Admins/Mods. I'm sorry, but you can't trust everyone.
11. Please use proper english, It really helps if everyone can understand you.
12. Have fun and enjoy the forum!
Last Edited by ~Matthew